Hospice of the Calumet Area has a special place in my heart. I accepted a job as the Marketing and Community Relations Director four years ago, just one year after they helped our family deal with the loss of my best friend, mentor and mother, Mona. It’s really been more of a calling. I have been asked to share my story with the world. I’m honored and humbled to participate in an interview series called Journey Through Grief with Grace: How to Find Peace, Connection and Completion in Losing a Loved One.
This series is FREE and it’s easy to participate.
Click the link below to learn more
There will be 22 daily interviews starting on 8/31.
Event Host Diana Previs was touched by her father’s journey with HCA years ago and is now helping thousands of people around the world transform their pain into purpose with this impactful grief interview series. I, along with 20 other specialists (Traditional to Functional Medicine, Tedx Speakers, Energy Facilitators, Nutritionists, Mind/Body Specialists, Best Selling Authors), will share our insight.
This series is aimed to help:
Find Peace – Appreciate where you are at this moment with your pain.
Shed Regret, Guilt – Release toxic emotions like “I should have, or if only.”
Sleep Better – Gain vitality and energy.
Clear Brain Fog, Depression – Get clarity and focus.
Release Fear – Move forward in new directions, get out of your comfort zone.
Let Go of Anger- Say what you need to and find forgiveness.
Acknowledge Sadness – Feel your vulnerability and move past the pain.
Regain Strength – Get physical and nutritional tips for your immune system.
Establish and Grow Connection – Learn to communicate with the other side.
Understand Completion – Find comfort, knowing grief never ends, but shifts.
Set Boundaries - Unburden yourself from grief that doesn’t belong to you.
These interviews will focus on identifying, managing and eliminating emotions linked to grief. Please join us and share with anyone that you think may benefit from this experience.
Damian Rico is the director of marketing and community relations for Hospice of the Calumet Area. The opinions are the writer's.