Benefits of early referral
Consistently we hear the comment from patients and families, “I wish we had known about hospice much sooner.”
Referring as soon as possible after a terminal diagnosis greatly enhances the effectiveness of our team by providing ample time to address both the physical needs of the patient and the practical, emotional and spiritual needs of the entire family. Our goal is to help your patient and their loved ones to have the best opportunity to cherish their remaining time together.
Our patient care coordinators and admissions nurse work closely with referring physicians and staff. To facilitate continuity of care, at the request of referring physicians, our staff can visit the patient at the hospital to admit them to hospice immediately following discharge.
Once a patient is admitted to our program, our medical director can coordinate with the referring physician as desired to determine the most cost-effective pain and symptom management program.
To enhance continuity of care, we encourage physicians to oversee their patient’s hospice care. The attending physician is eligible for Medicare reimbursement related to care plan oversight and bills for services as usual; develops the plan of care and approves updates; attends hospice team meetings, if desired; and may request the Hospice of the Calumet Area medical director offer professional consultation. Only the attending physician and hospice may bill Medicare for services relating to the terminal illness.